Covid-19 News #25

Newsletter #25 – Monday, 7th September 2020
We remain at Implementation Level Two for both Homes and HomeCare with no Symptomatic Residents, Clients or Staff.
Balancing Visits & Risks
A number of you may have picked up articles in the press this weekend as to whether the Government’s current Visiting Guidelines are unkind through keeping Residents and their Families, apart or that Visits are conducted in such a way that is confusing to Residents. Indeed, the Ambiguity of the Guidelines has meant that many homes are not allowing any visiting at all. Whilst our Residents’ Families are able carry out Garden Visits, and will shortly be able to use the Visiting Pods, we want to make sure that we have got the balance right between allowing Meaningful Contact and Mitigating Risk. The sense in the Homes is that we currently have the balance about right, but we also realise we may be too close to see the Wood from the Trees. We therefore want to Extend the Debate currently in the Press to our own Homes, and ask for your Feedback. Do we have the balance right, or are there changes you would like to see, either to Support Access to Your Loved Ones, Managing Risk or both?
We are delighted to confirm that Hairdressing will recommence at Priors Mead this Wednesday, failing which we have been told there is likely to be the first ever Riot by Residents of a Care Home🙂
Visiting Pods
This continues to be our number one priority, but we unfortunately have no news to share as yet, although details are eagerly anticipated.
Testing continues weekly for the Homes’ Staff, and monthly for our Residents, with No Positive Tests to date. It has also been confirmed that the problem with last week’s tests at Priors Mead was the lab being too slow to process the tests, meaning that they passed their expiry date.
- We are delighted that Margaret has extended her stay with us at Nettlestead for a further week.
- It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Stanley who passed away peacefully on Sunday night. Our love and condolences are with his family at this time.
- Jane will be baking Cupcakes this week with the Residents, and we promise to try to save some for our Garden Visitors.
- There will be Games and Quizzes with Jane this week, either in the lounge or outside in the garden, dependent upon the
Priors Mead
- We are looking forward to teaming up with our local pre-school Redhill Baptist for some Penpal Paintings and Letters from the Children to the Residents and vice versa.
- Games and Quizzes will be going on including our Weekly Bingo.
- We also have a visit from Victor the Pet Tortoise on Thursday, courtesy of Michelle.
- We have more Baking planned for the end of week.
- We have four New Clients starting this week, with more assessments booked for all Three Areas.
- Katie Manser has begun her Supervisor Training this week. Katie originally joined us as a Volunteer as part of our Covid Response and we are delighted that she has decided to join us permanently as one of the Supervisors for the Bromley Area. She will be out Visiting the Clients that she will be supporting with Kim or Lauren over the coming weeks, and formally starting her role on 22nd September 2020.
- We have recruited two additional Supervisors to join the team and we will keep you updated as to their progression.
- Our Principal Resilience Focus is in regard to continuing to ensure our policies remain Relevant and Proportionate for both our Residents and Clients, and of course you, their Families and Friends.
Suggestions continue to be welcome. Please share them with us by emailing
Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.
Nick & Sarah Bruce