News & Activities August 2023

Here is a fun fact! – Did you know that August was originally the sixth month of the tenth month Roman Calendar and had just 29 days?! Julius Caesar added 2 extra days when he created the Julian Calendar, by which point the calendar had become 12 months.
I sincerely hope the weather improves for August!
July brought us celebrations with birthdays, The Summer Party , trips to Greenwich and so much more, here is to August bringing us more wonderful memories!
Look out for the new date of our pub quiz night which we are raising money for the Stroke Association.
Elvis came to join us in July!

Activities for August 2023:
Tuesday 1st August – Another fun session of Slow Yoga with Music!
Wednesday 2nd August – Pamper Day! Hair with Steve and pamper afternoon with Jane!
Thursday 3rd August – A relaxing scenic drive out with Jane!
Friday 4th August – Santino Sings!, family and friends are welcome to join!
Saturday 5th August – Lots of fun quizzes and crafts with Bella
Sunday 6th August – Please join us for a lovely Coffee Morning with our residents and carers
Monday 7th August – Allan from Bromley Parish Church is coming to visit followed by a fun trip to Ruxley Manor Garden Centre
Tuesday 8th August – Slow Yoga with music!
Wednesday 9th August – 11-1630 Eagle Heights – afternoon tea with bird displays/flight shows followed by an off site visit with Jane and two carers
Thursday 10th August – Afternoon Baking Club, sausage roll anyone?!
Friday 11th August – Chris and Sue host another fun Bingo session!
Saturday 12th August – More quizzes and fun crafts to enjoy in the afternoon with Bella!
Sunday 13th August – Coffee Morning with residents and carers, Family and Friends are welcome to come and join us, the more the merrier!
Monday 14th August – Allan comes to visit us again from Bromley Parish Church followed by another session of Bingo in the garden. (Hopefully the weather is a bit brighter!
Tuesday 15th August – Slow Yoga with Music
Wednesday 16th August – Themed Snack Trolley followed by an exciting hour of “ArmChair Travel Experience”!
Thursday 17th August – Another enjoyable Scenic drive out with Jane
Friday 18th August – Chris and Sue join us again for Bingo!
Saturday 19th August – From 3-4PM, Liam joins for another wonderful singing session, please feel free to join us!
Sunday 20th August – Coffee Morning with residents and carers
Family and friends are welcome to come and join us!
Monday 21st August – Allan from Bromley Parish Church pays us another visit followed by our fun Games Day! Play your cards right, Quoits and bowling! Can you win?
Tuesday 22nd August – Slow Yoga with music
Wednesday 23rd August – Steve joins us for hairdressing and pampering with Jane in the afternoon
Thursday 24th August – Another exciting scenic trip out with Jane
Friday 25th August – Bingo with Chris and Sue!
Saturday 26th August – More fun quizzes and crafts to look forward to with Bella!
Sunday 27th August – Activity Corner!
Monday 28th August – Allan joins us from Bromley Parish Church and another fun quiz session in the afternoon with Jane!
Tuesday 29th August – Slow Yoga and pamper session with Jane!
Wednesday 30th August – Perms/Styles and Sets with Steve and Santino joins us to sing in the afternoon, please feel free to come along!
Thursday 31st August – Fun Singalong Afternoon! – Who is your favourite artist?
Please note live entertainment is still to be confirmed.
Trip down memory lane from July:

We love and appreciate hearing your feedback and reviews and ask if you could spare a few minutes to post a five star review on There is also a bottle of wine for all those who publish their review. A huge THANK YOU to those family members who have already submitted theirs and we hope you enjoyed your wine! A reminder that suggestions are also welcome, please share them with us by emailing
If you have family members that live far away or you are on holiday and cannot see your
loved ones, we do have a Skype address/Facetime. Find us on
Please let us know if this is something you wish for us to arrange.