News & Activities February 2023

I hope everyone is keeping well and warm. As we move into February and away from the January blues, I’m excited to say that we have a fun packed year of activities for all the residents. Photos will be included in the newsletter but also they will be shared to our facebook page. If you haven’t already liked/followed us, please do so, that way you never miss a thing.
Also just to ensure that you are up to date with our email addresses, please see below:
Nicola Neeson – Head of Home
Julie Reddington – Assistant Manager
We love and appreciate hearing your feedback and reviews and ask if you could spare a few minutes to post a five star review on There is also a bottle of wine for all those who publish their review, we will even provide a straw for the wine! A huge THANK YOU to those family members who have already submitted theirs.
It’s no longer necessary to wear masks within the home, however as it’s flu season, if you feel you have any symptoms of flu then we kindly request you wear facemasks. Of course, if you wish to continue to wear masks regardless when you visit then please do so.
Activities planned for February:
1st – Crosswords & Word Searches with Chris, followed by, “Everything Italian” Lets make our own Pizza’s
2nd – Reminiscing with Chris & Skittles – prizes to be won for the highest score!
3rd – Charades and Bingo – prizes to be won!
4th – National Carrot Cake Day and Reading to Residents & Quizzes with Joe
5th – Activity Corner/Hobby Corner
Arts & Crafts, Knitting & Sewing, Colouring & Drawing, Books & Magazines
6th – Balloon Batting & Ball Throwing followed by a Ride out with Jane
7th – National Send a Card Day – Crafty day making cards followed by Yoga
8th – Drawing & Colouring, hair Styling with Steve & Pampering with Jane and a lovely trip out!
9th – National Pizza Day Quiz & Board Games, Favourite Italian Foods – Recipes & Food Tasters
10th – Crosswords & Word Searches along with another fun game of Bingo!
11th – A lovely day to enjoy our Family and Friends visiting, finished with another sing song in the afternoon!
12th – Activity Corner/ Hobby Corner, Arts & Crafts, Knitting & Sewing, Colouring & Drawing, Books & Magazines
13th – Exercise with Chris and time to bake some cake!
14th – Valentine’s Day, more Exercise with Chris and some Yoga with Caira
15th – Nirvana Day AKA Parinirvana Day, Biscuit Decorating, Talks with Residents about different religions and their beliefs
16th – Hangman & Board Games along with some singing by Joe
17th – Ball Batting, Ball Throwing and Ball exercise, Bingo with Chris & Sue – Prizes to be won!
18th – Entertainment Galore – Singalong – (full details tbc)
19th – Activity Corner/ Hobby Corner, Arts & Crafts, Knitting & Sewing, Colouring & Drawing, Books & Magazines
20th – National Love Your Pet Day, Flower Arranging, “Let’s Talk Favourite Pets and Animals”
21st – Pancake Day “Talk of Your Favourite Toppings For Your Pancakes” (lemon and sugar is clearly a winner!) ,also Manicures with Chris
22nd – Crosswords & Hangman, Hair Styling with Steve, Car Trip With Jane
23rd – National Banana Bread Day, Skittles – Prizes to be won, “Let’s Talk Recipes & Bake”
24th – Choose A Book Day, Bingo with Chris & Sue – Prizes to be won
25th – Liam is kindly joining us again for another sing-song!
26th – Activity Corner/ Hobby Corner, Arts & Crafts, Knitting & Sewing, Colouring & Drawing, Books & Magazines
27th – National Strawberry Day, Biscuit Decorating, Everything We Can Do With Strawberries
28th – Colouring & Drawing, Seed Planting
For anything related to the activities (ideas, questions, information), please do not hesitate to contact Jane at Any ideas for activities you would like to see more of please let me know!
If you have family members that live far away or you are on holiday and cannot see your loved ones, we do have a Skype address/Facetime. Find us on Please let us know if this is something you wish for us to arrange.