News & Activities September 2023

Goodbye August and Hello September! We’ve made some lovely memories in August and will continue to do so this month.
September is a month of transition. As summer fades away, the leaves start changing colour, and the days get shorter. We begin to prepare for the cooler months ahead.
Here is a fun fact! 22nd September is the Autumnal Equinox
On September 22nd or 23rd, depending on the year, the September Equinox occurs. This is when the sun is directly above the equator, and day and night are nearly equal in length. In the Northern Hemisphere, this marks the start of fall. And in the Southern Hemisphere, it marks the beginning of spring.
Activities for September 2023
Friday 1st September – Bingo! Prizes to be won!
Saturday 2nd September – Lots of quizzes and fun games with Bella!
Sunday 3rd September – Activity Corner
Monday 4th September – Alan from Bromley Parish pays us a visit along with Caroline joining us for a sing song in the afternoon!
Tuesday 5th September – Another fun session of Slow Yoga
Wednesday 6th September – Hair by Steve followed by games in the Garden
Thursday 7th September – Take a trip down memory lane with lovely photos and music
Friday 8th September – More prizes to be won with Bingo!
Saturday 9th September – Games and quizzes with Bella
Sunday 10th September – Please join us for a Coffee Morning, all family welcome!
Monday 11th September – Grandparents Day, lots of memories shared and reflective chats. Alan also joins us again from Bromley Parish
Tuesday 12th September – Slow Yoga with Bernard followed by playing our favourite games in the afternoon
Wednesday 13th September – Pamper Day! – Hair with Steve, pedicures and facials with Jane
Thursday 14th September – Darts, Cards & Scrabble to also be enjoyed with Strawberries and Ice Cream!
Friday 15th September – National Cheeseburger Day – how do you like your burgers? Joe joins us for another sing song
Saturday 16th September – Afternoon fun and games with Bella
Sunday 17th September – Another wonderful Coffee Morning, please feel free to join us, the more the merrier!
Monday 18th September – World Reflexology Week – massage and skin care with Jane
Tuesday 19th September – Bernard joins for another fun Slow Yoga session, followed by films, yummy hot dogs and washed down with refreshing beer!
Wednesday 20th September – Enjoyable road trip and another hair do session with Steve
Thursday 21st September – International Peace Day! Enjoying some afternoon tea in the garden (hopefully the weather is nice!)
Friday 22nd September – Liam joins us again for some nice singing!
Saturday 23rd September – Autumn Equinox – resident quiz on Autumn
Sunday 24th September – Another enjoyable Coffee Morning followed by fun activities in our Activity Corner
Monday 25th September – Alan joins again from Bromley Parish followed by another fun roadtrip! Please note there is also a relatives meeting on this date at 6pm
Tuesday 26th September – Lots of baking which includes cupcakes and sausage rolls! Bernard also joins us again for Slow Yoga!
Wednesday 27th September – Hair By Steve in the morning, lots of arts and crafts in the afternoon which includes making decorations for the garden
Thursday 28th September – Singalong with lots of nibbles and wine!
Friday 29th September – Santini visits for another sing song
Saturday 30th September – Bingo, more prizes to be won!
Please note live entertainment is still to be confirmed.
We love and appreciate hearing your feedback and reviews and ask if you could spare a few minutes to post a five star review on There is also a bottle of wine for all those who publish their review. A huge THANK YOU to those family members who have already submitted theirs and we hope you enjoyed your wine! A reminder that suggestions are also welcome, please share them with us by emailing
If you have family members that live far away or you are on holiday and cannot see your loved ones, we do have a Skype address/Facetime. Find us on