Newsletter #41

Newsletter #41 – Tuesday, 29th December 2020.
Nettlestead, Priors Mead and HomeCare all remain at Implementation Level Two.
Thank You
Thank you to all our Staff for doing such a fantastic job over Christmas, particularly against the backdrop of Tier 4 and the New Coronavirus Variant. Your good humour and dedication is very much appreciated by everyone.
We now have Consent Forms for nearly all Residents, although no firm dates as to when the Vaccinations will be given. Staff at Priors Mead have started to receive their Vaccinations, but there is more of a hold-up at Nettlestead with the earliest opportunity for Vaccinations being 4th January at present. We have no news for HomeCarers yet, and still anticipate Clients being contacted by their GPs.
Normal testing continues, with everyone testing Negative. However, we do have two members of Staff Isolating at Priors Mead; one who was positive, and one because their husband has tested Covid-Positive. We don’t believe either of these events pose a risk to our Residents or Staff.
Pods and Visiting
Both the Nettlestead and Priors Mead Pods are open and able to accept Visitors. We are currently arranging for intercom systems to assist with hearing; the perspex screens are making this difficult.
- Residents made the most of what has to have been one of the strangest Christmases ever and enjoyed a good Zoom Sing-along of Christmas Carols with Beverly.
- Christmas Eve was spent baking and decorating Gingerbread Houses and Gingerbread Men.
- We would like to welcome Audrey who is staying with us for the next two weeks.
- We would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and a Healthy 2021. Our Residents will be enjoying champagne and party nibbles on New Years Eve with a few even planning to stay up to welcome in 2021!
Priors Mead
- We held our Christmas Party on Wednesday afternoon. This is usually one of our big annual events and we missed you all joining us, but we made the most of a more intimate version.
- Christmas 2020, who knew what to expect? Probably the first Christmas we have had a full house and we are delighted to say that our Residents and Staff alike truly had the best day! We have shared photos to our Facebook page – as well as a special little Christmas Video featuring our Residents that we put together for their Relatives.
- Thanks again to all those who took part in Festive Video Messages for our Residents. We put together a cheerful montage, full of love and season’s greetings. Our Residents were so touched by your efforts.
- Huge thanks to our team who worked so hard over the festive period to give our residents a memorable Christmas this year – more important than ever before.
- We have been overwhelmed with gestures of appreciation and kind words for our team from Relatives – thank you so much for thinking of us.
- On Boxing Day we caught up on some rest from all the festivities and enjoyed a variety of games – paired with snacks and wine of course.
- We look forward to The New Year! Here’s hoping for a happy, healthy and safe year ahead!
- Carers are now undergoing weekly Covid Tests.
- We have a new client starting this week and have a number of assessments booked.
- We would also like to wish Staff, Clients and their Families a Happy and Healthy 2021.
Suggestions continue to be welcome. Please share them with us by emailing
Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.
Nick & Sarah Bruce