September 2018 News

We would like to congratulate David from our sister home Priors Mead, who has been chosen as the very first winner for the Quality Care Insurance Services project ‘Pollards Promise’. Please do see the link below to find out more about this fantastic project.
We would like to remind everyone that positive customer reviews and good online ratings increasingly play a key part in helping us come to the attention of potential clients, and so are always valued by us. However, we recognise how valuable your time is so we are offering a bottle of wine to all online reviewers that take the time to share their opinion with us. These can be posted at
Collecting stamps
We are still collecting stamps (new/old and UK/overseas) for the Air Ambulance. I am sure we can all get involved and start collecting for this worthy charity. Please do drop them off the next time you pop in for a visit.
On the 6th October staff will be participating in a Memory Walk in aid of Dementia and Alzheimer’s. If anyone would like to sponsor towards this great cause please see Katherine for more details.
We now have our facebook page which we would encourage you all to go on and have a look at and share ‘Nettlestead News’ so if you haven’t already please do go on and like our page!
Our residents thoroughly enjoyed a trip to Hastings on the 10th of September. I am sure they will all agree that a great day was had by all!
Exercise time with Chris and Carlos
Let’s join Sal for some live music entertainment
Gentle exercise with Sally
World Mental Health awareness day tea party
Join us for Baking Week where we will be trying several different recipes
More gentle exercise with Sally
Santino will be singing for us
Halloween Party
Chris and Carlos are back
Firework Party
Sally is back with some more gentle exercise
Different activities ready for Remembrance Day on the 11th
Chris and the lovely Carlos are joining us for a bit of exercise
Join us for a workout with Sally
Let’s join Chris and Carlos for some more exercise
– More activities to be confirmed, please see Paula for details – We are planning a trip to Polhill Garden Centre and will be planning a National ‘Hello’ day. Please see Paula for more information on activities as there are trips and entertainers planned but dates need to be confirmed. Updates to be posted by the front door