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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the questions we are asked more frequently but, should you have any concerns that are not addressed, please do not hesitate to call 020 8460 2279.

Is the resident assessed prior to coming to the home?
Save for emergency admissions, we will always look to visit potential residents where they are to ensure we are able to meet their needs and that they are both likely to settle and get on with our other residents. We do not have a notice period and so fees are only due up to when the room is cleared. Any fees paid in advance are always refunded.
Is it possible to speak to existing clients to find our their views before making a decision?
A number of our clients, or their relatives, are happy to speak with prospecitve clients as they remember how difficult it was when they had to make such an important decision. Out of respect for their time, all we ask is that you first have an assessment to ensure we are able to cater for your needs. We will then give you some names and phone numbers for you to call them in confidence.
What are the visiting hours?
We do not have visiting hours and encourage friends and relatives to visit whenever is convenient to our residents. If you are visiting at meal times, please feel free to join in. If you are visiting when other residents may be resting we ask that noise be kept to a minimum. Friends and families are always welcome to join in the frequent social occasions and activities.
Do residents have their own room?
All residents have their own room, although we do have rooms large enough for couples to share in which case a 33% fee uplift is applied.
Are residents free to come and go as they wish?
Residents are welcome to come and go as they wish where appropriate, and for those not able to venture out alone we organise regular outings in our own Residents Car. This means that trips are both personal and an everyday occurrence.
Are there organised outings?
Several times a year we arrange for minibus outings but for day to day outings we have our own Residents Car. Residents choose their own trips and companions and therefore remain far more connected to the local community, which is a key factor as to how well residents settle in their new environment.
What if the home isn't right for a resident?
We carry out a full assessment prior to new residents moving in, or as soon as they arrive for emergency admissions, to ensure we are the right home for them. However, should a resident ever decide we are not the right home we do not ask for a notice period, just to pay up to when the room is fully vacated.
Does the home have an activities programme?
We have a detailed and varied activities programme starting in the morning and going on until the evening six days a week. The choice of activities is driven by the residents and typically includes things they enjoyed doing prior to joining us.
Are special diets catered for?
All special diets are catered for in an imaginative way to ensure meals remain something to look forward to. We even offer complimentary quality house wines to help wash them down.
Can residents help with tasks around the home?
Whilst most residents enjoy being looked after, we encourage and welcome residents to help with any tasks they are able to.
Are residents encouraged to exercise?
Exercise forms a regular part of our activities programme to encourage residents to remain as fit as they are able. This is supported by healthy, home cooked meal choices.
Can residents bring their own possessions?
Having their own possessions around them helps residents to settle into their new home, and we therefore positively encourage them to bring as many items with them as they would like. We do ask that we are kept informed of any items that are brought in or removed from the home for which we keep an inventory. Any item worth more than £1,000 should be independently insured and we recommend that items of particular value are left with us for safe keeping when not being used by the resident.
How often are care plans reviewed?
Care Plans are reviewed monthly or sooner when necessary and draw on inputs from the resident and their families, their Lead Carer, Head of Home and relevant healthcare professionals. Residents personally sign off their Care Plans whenever possible.
What is included for the fees?
Pretty much everything is included in the fees from care (regardless of needs) accommodation, food, housekeeping, laundry, outings and activities etc. The only additional things that our residents will typically pay for are those of a personal nature, such as toiletries, hairdressing, newspapers, domiciliary dentists, opticians, chiropodists and the cost of escorting residents to appointments outside the home.
What is the notice period?
We do not have a notice period. Should the resident leave for whatever reason fees are only due until when the room is fully cleared.
How do I see the homes Care Quality Commission inspection report?
A copy of the latest report is available under Information at the bottom of the page.
What happens if the money runs out?
We ask that families ensure there are sufficient funds to meet the residents expected duration of stay in the home. To make planning easier, we guarantee to keep fees in line with the Consumer Price Index and do not vary our fees if the resident's needs change.

However, on the rare occasions when this does become an issue, and so long as the event was reasonably unforeseeable, we undertake to work with the family to ensure a move is not necessary except under exceptional circumstances.
What happens if the resident's condition deteriorates?
It is not unusual for our residents' conditions to progress and we continually tailor our service to meet their changing needs. Where their needs progress beyond our capabilities we are supported by doctors, district and specialist nurses which means 90% of clients are able to stay with us for life.
What happens if the home is no longer able to cope?
Historically, we have been able to offer a home for life to 90% of our residents and for the 10% where a move does prove necessary, their quality of life is typically very much higher than it would otherwise have been until this time. In the rare events where it is in the resident's best interests to move we work with the families to help them find a suitable alternative, and give them the time to ensure they have made the right decision.
Do you ever give notice?
We may rarely make a recommendation that we are no longer the right home for a resident. This would be because we are no longer able to meet their needs, taking into account the various support services available to us, or they are no longer compatible with our other residents. Whilst we expect a general progression in our residents' needs, we are unable to cope with those who become and remain physically or verbally aggressive.

We never make this recommendation lightly and would only ever do so after trying to resolve any underlying issues with the help of relevant healthcare professionals and the family.
Why do you ask for a guarantor?
We feel it is unnecessarily intrusive for us to carry out a financial audit on potential clients, especially at a stage in life when many families will wish to be reviewing their financial planning. We therefore believe the simplest alternative is to ask someone who is in possession of all the facts to guarantee our fees.
Why do you ask for a deposit?
We ask for a deposit so that should probate become a factor any fees that may be outstanding are not delayed for what can be an extended period of time. The deposit is always repaid in full, less any outstanding fees, and normally within 48 hours of the room being vacated.
Lily Keegan, Registered Manager

Lily Keegan
Registered Manager

Emily Haines, Assistant Manager

Emily Haines
Assistant Manager

Jane Ballard, Activities Manager

Jane Ballard
Activities Manager

Holly Englefield, Operations Director

Holly Englefield
Operations Director

Adrienne Tooke, Administration Director

Adrienne Tooke
Administration Director

This website gives you an insight into what we do and the way we think. But we believe the best way we can fully understand you as an individual, and you get to know us, is by talking. So call us on 020 8460 2279. We’ll be happy to help your thinking and, without obligation, share the knowledge we have built up in over 30 years of providing elderly care.

If, as is often the case, you are also considering homecare as an option, we also run an extensive homecare service so we can help you with advice there too.