Nightingales trio take to the skies in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society

Our energetic team is never known to duck a challenge and our head of Home Care Donna Roche, Kim Thomas, head of Nettlestead Care home and Joanna Nykiel head of Priors Mead will be taking part in a SkyDive on 21st October to fund-raise for the Alzheimer’s Society.
The three will all be making the tandem skydive from Headcorn RAF base in Kent from a height of 10,000 feet with the aim of raising £1500 collectively. Donna head of home care said ‘The growing numbers of elderly in the UK with dementia is set to rise from 850,000 to over by 1 million by 2025. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia and accounts for 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases; it’s absolutely vital that we support the important work of the Alzheimer’s Society in helping those with dementia.”