Covid-19 News #24

Newsletter #24 – Wednesday, 2nd September 2020
We remain at Implementation Level Two for both Homes and HomeCare with no Symptomatic Residents, Clients or Staff.
Thank You to our Wonderful Staff
It’s easy to take for granted what a Great Job all our Staff are doing but, despite these extraordinary times, they continue to put our Residents and Clients First. We have not only never seen the high absentee rates seen by many homes, but they continue to turn out and pick up extra shifts willingly, and with great humour despite the challenges of the situation. Thank You!
As discussed in last-week’s Newsletter, Hairdressing will start at Priors Mead next Wednesday. Residents will have their hair washed ahead of time, and have their hair done either in the Gazebo if the weather is suitable, or the Conservatory if not. Various precautions are being taken including the Hairdresser being Tested prior to each visit and wearing PPE, with the Resident wearing a Mask and, if in the conservatory, the room will be ventilated and covered by a Negative-Ion Filter. Her visits will be on a monthly basis initially,
Garden Visits and Post-Summer Visiting
Progress on the Visiting Pods is slower than we had anticipated, but we are still hopeful of having a solution in place by the end of this month.
Testing continues at both Homes and HomeCare with no positive test results, although half of Priors Mead’s latest batch were returned as Inconclusive, meaning that they will have to be redone. We believe this may have been because the lab was overwhelmed and the completed tests therefore passed their sell-by dates. We have no reason to believe any would have been positive.
Farewell to Lisa
Many of you will have known Lisa who ran our Admin Department and who has sadly decided to leave for pastures new. She was a much valued member of the team and we will miss her. We will let you know as soon as her replacement has been recruited.
- We are delighted to welcome a New Resident, Margaret to the Nettlestead Family who will be staying with us for two weeks.
- Jane has been keeping everyone busy with some Mind-Testing Quizzes in the lounge along with Manicures, Games Outside and cosy Film Evenings now that the evenings are drawing in.
- Jane will also be taking some Residents out for a drive Around the Block, but without leaving the car to ensure there is no risk of meeting someone with Covid-19. We are sure the Residents will be excited to get out even for a short while.
- We continue to be grateful to all Families for their support during this challenging time. Let’s hope the talk of a Vaccine by Christmas proves to be true!
Priors Mead
- Our craziest lockdown Grass Head Hair is growing and our competition continues.
- We enjoyed our Bank Holiday BBQ with fun and games, with great food washed down by a glass of Pimms. Typically British! Especially as the weather meant we ate indoors!
- Michelle is bringing in her pet Guinea Pig and Rabbit tomorrow for the afternoon.
- Thank you to those of you that have Volunteered to speak with Potential Residents and their Families. We now have a Vacant Room, so you may be contacted sooner than first thought.
- We have two new Carers joining the HomeCare Team this week: Rosie and Shankara. Both are currently shadowing experienced carers and will be out next week providing care.
- Lauren and Kim are continuing to oversee Bromley, Croydon and Reigate areas until the new Area Supervisors are ready to take up their roles. We will continue to update you with progress and if there is anything that needs to be addressed meanwhile, please feel free to contact the HomeCare Office and speak to one of our team.
- We have four new Clients starting this week and a further six next week, with a number of new Client Assessments
- I would like to thank all of our Carers who continue to work extremely hard to support our Clients through these difficult times.
- Our main focus on Resilience continues to be how we can maintain the Highest Levels of Safety for our Residents and Clients, whilst also helping to Minimise the Impact of Lockdown, such as with the Drives and Hairdresser Visits. If you have any other ideas, please do share.
Suggestions continue to be welcome. Please share them with us by emailing
Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.
Nick & Sarah Bruce